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Forty Days at Kamas

Forty Days at Kamas - Preston Fleming This author and his book are what is wonderful about indie authors. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the book. I was also enlightened in my realization that the Orwellian theme of the book could happen in our country.

There are a number of good reviews that will lay out the characters and storyline so there is no reason for me to rehash those great reviews. However, I do want to chime in with a few comments about the work of Preston Fleming. This is the first of his books to pass by my eyes. I was engrossed with how well it was written. I thought the story was exciting and had a relatively quick pace which kept me fully interested. The characters are a real strength to this book. I feel that I would actually recognize the majority of them if I passed them on the street. That is how well they were developed.

I now have another great author to read. It is a shame that there are so few books to read. On the bright side, he is young so he has a lot more writing time left in his life. Pick up a copy of this fine book to entice him to keep writing.