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Fresh Flesh

Fresh Flesh - Todd Russell Another great free novel from Librarything. I love their member giveaways that help me to discover new authors through reading their debut novels. I am not generally a horror reader but this book has opened my eyes to how good they can be.

Fresh Flesh is a good, actually great. debut novel. It is a horror story that kept me anxious for more of the story. I liked almost all of the story. The only part that seemed unnecessary was the parts dealing with the dirt. The dirt was a minor player throughout the story (Sar's part) that I felt the ending tried too hard to incorporate the dirt as an integral part of the story.

I enjoyed the characters and the flashbacks that described their past transgressions and why they were on the island. This writing style allowed for more depth and understanding of the characters and made them more interesting. I did find the ending to be a bit sad as I was pulling for the main character.

Mr Russell has talent and has done well in his first novel outing. He has gone the extra mile to have beta readers, proof readers, has paid for sleeve art, etc. This book is recommended for all and especially for horror genre fans.