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Zero Sum, Entire Trilogy Bundle

Zero Sum, Entire Trilogy Bundle - Russell Blake This review is for the Zero Sum Trilogy. I read book one of the Trilogy without realizing there were more books in the series. I was unhappy that book one ended without a resolution - only directions to the next book. Out of disgust, I wrote off the book until I found the entire series available for free for Amazon Prime members. Hooray for Amazon. Since book one was so good, I re-evaluated and got the series.

I have now read the last 2 books of the trilogy and have reassessed the trilogy. My initial 4 star review has been lowered to 3 stars. The book devolved into a shallow romance story with repetitive bits happening as Stephen (whatever his last name at the time) and Antonia flitting from country to country. I lost my interest in the story which is unfortunate. I have read Russell Blake books before and have thought much better of his writing. Personally, I would not recommend this overly long shallow plot book set.